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Course Syllabus for Master Degree in Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

 1. Anatomy and physiology 

Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 1

ECTS : 5

Total hours : 125 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents

1. Anatomy

1.1. Embriological development of the head and neck

1.2. Postnatal development of the head and neck

1.3. Cranial bones anatomy

1.4. Mastication muscles

1.5. Mimetic (facial) muscles

1.6. Temporomadibular joint anatomy

1.7. Arterial and venous irrigation of the head and neck

1.8. Lymphatic system of the head and neck

1.9. Innervation of the head and neck. A detailed study of facial and trigeminal nerve

2. Physiology

2.1. Muscular physiology, biological and biochemical bases of muscular contraction

2.2. Mastication muscles action

2.3. Suprahyoid muscles action

2.4. Infrahyoid muscles action

2.5. Mandibular physiological movements. Protrusion, retrusion, opening, closing, lateral movements.

2.6. Concepts of Centric Relation, Maximal Intercuspation, Long Centric and Therapeutic position.

2.7. Influence of the anterior and canine guides in TMJ

2.8. Factors that have influence on appearance of TMJ overload

2.9. Deglutition

2.10 Mastication

2.11 Resiration

2.12 Suction (sucking habit)

2.13 Bone physiology

 1. Anatomy and physiology

 2. Diagnosis 

Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 1

ECTS : 14

Total hours : 350 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents

1. Clinical diagnosis, clinical history, examination

1.1. How to carry out the anamnesis and clinical history in Orthodontics

1.2. Extraoral examination of the patient. Facial thirds proportion, profile analysis

1.3. Intraoral examination of dental arches separately and in occlusion

1.4. Functional examination: breathing, deglutition, phonation, habits and dysfunctions presence

1.5. Analysis of soft tissues: examination of gums, cheeks, palate, tongue, lips and frenula.

1.6. How to carry out complimentary (additional) tests.

1.7.  Diagnostic conclusions and differential diagnosis

1.8. Referral of the patient to other specialists for multidisciplinary treatment

2. Paraclinical diagnosis

2.1. How to carry out model study

2.2. How to take records for mounting in the articulator

2.3. Mounting in the articulator, study of static and dynamic occlusion, MPI

2.4. 3D models analysis

2.5. How to fabricate set-up models

2.6. Conventional correction of set-up models

2.7. How to carry out occlusograms

2.8. How to carry out occlusal VTO

2.9. Virtual correction of set-up models

3. Diagnosis by imaging

3.1. Evaluation of panoramic X-ray: chronology of eruption, wisdom teeth position, skeletal anomalies, identification of dilacerations and root resorption.

3.2. Identification of anatomical structures in a profile X-ray

3.3. Identification of anatomical structures in a frontal X-ray

3.4. Quality of X-ray tracings

3.5. Ricketts' lateral cephalometric analysis

3.6. Ricketts' 15 factors of lateral cephalometric analysis

3.7. Ricketts' frontal cephalometric analysis

3.8. Steiner's lateral cephalometric analysis

3.9. McNamara's lateral cephalometric analysis

3.10. Ricketts-Roth-Jaraback lateral cephalometric analysis

3.11. Digital cephalometric systems

3.12. Growth prediction without treatment

3.13. Growth prediction with treatment

3.14. How to carry out Visual Treatment Objective

3.15. Conversion of Maximal Intercuspation to Centric Relation cephalometry tracing

3.16. X-ray study of skeletal age

3.17. Interpretation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) tracing for TMJ pathology diagnosis

3.18. Indications, interpretation and analysis of conventional tomography

3.19. Indications, interpretation and analysis of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

2. Diagnosis

 3. Treatment Plan 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 1

ECTS : 3

Total hours : 75 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents

1. Orthodontic treatment stages.

1.1. Alignment, leveling, rotation correction.

1.2. Space closure, torque establishing, incisors relationship

1.3. Midline centering, intercuspation, detailing

2. Treatment types

2.1. Treatments with protrusion

2.2. Treatments with retrusion

2.3. Treatments with distalization

2.4. Treatments with expansion

2.5. Extraction treatments

2.6. Treatments with stripping

2.7. Open bite treatments

2.8. Deep bite treatments

2.9. Class I treatments

2.10. Class II treatments

2.11. Class III treatments

2.12. Compensation treatments

2.13. Orthopedic treatments

2.1.4. Mandibular rotation calculation

2.15. Favorable and unfavorable treatments in dolichofacial, brachyfacial and mesofacial patients

2.16. Combined treatment

2.17. How to calculate the approximate treatment time

2.18. How to carry out alternative treatment plans

3. Treatment Plan

 4. Interceptive Orthodontics and Etiology of Malocclusions 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 1

ECTS : 3

Total hours : 75 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : Ejercicios online

Subject contents :

1. Treatment protocol in interceptive orthodontics

2. Etiology of malocclusions

2.1. Anterior open bite etiology

2.2. Posterior open bite etiology

2.3. Anterior cross bite etiology

2.4. Posterior cross bite etiology

2.5. Clinical examination to determine the etiology of malocclusion

2.6. Influence of breathing type on malocclusion appearance

2.7. Influence of deglutition on malocclusion appearance

2.8. Habits and oral dysfunctions which cause malocclusions

3. Treatment in interceptive orthodontics

3.1. Interceptive treatment with space maintainers

3.2. Interceptive treatment with space gainers

3.3. Early treatment of posterior cross bite

3.4. Early orthodontic treatment in temporal dentition

3.5. Habits reeducation and elimination of oral dysfunctions

4. Interceptive Orthodontics and Etiology of Malocclusions

 5. Orthodontics in Mixed Dentition. Appliances. Part 1 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 1

ECTS : 6

Total hours : 150 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Active plates

1.1. Active plates elements. Types of retainers, arches and springs

1.2. Activation of active plates elements

2. Functional appliances

2.1. Andreassen-Haüpl Activator​

2.2. Open Klammt Activator

2.3. Open elastic activator

2.4. Bionator

2.5. Bimler

2.6. Fränkel

2.7 Constructive bite record

3. Appliances uses in mixed dentition

3.1. C-F plate

3.2. Active  C plate.

3.3. Dyuzings plate.

3.4. Twin Block.

3.4.1. Deep bite Twin Block

3.4.2. Open bite Twin Block

3.5. Modified Mc-Namara Alpern Appliance

4. Head Gear

4.1. Facebow

4.2. Facial mask

4.3. Chin cup

4.4. Reversed chin cup

5. Orthodontics in Mixed Dentition. Appliances. Part 1

 6. Orthodontics in Permanent Dentition. Part 1 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 1

ECTS : 10

Total hours : 250 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Tooth movement basics

1.1. Biological bases of orthodontic movements

1.2. Types of orthodontic movements

1.3. Tooth movements using fixed appliances

2. Brackets, direct and indirect bonding

2.1. Differences in treatment with metallic, esthetic or self-ligating brackets

2.2. Customized prescription:

2.2.1. Diagnosis

2.2.2. Execution

2.3. Direct bonding

2.4. Indirect bonding

3. Types of treatment in permanent dentition

3.1. Treatment with stripping

3.2. Extraction treatment.

3.3. Treatment with distalization.

3.4. Treatment of cases with positive dentoalveolar discrepancy: spacing and agenesia

3.5. Posterior cross bite treatment: expansion and separation

3.6. Anterior open bite treatment

3.7. Anterior deep bite treatment

4. Case finishing

4.1. Case study to finish the treatment

4.2. Adjustments of 1st, 2nd and 3rd order

4.3. Intermaxillary adjustments

4.4. Occlusal adjustment by selective trimming

4.5. Esthetic adjustments

6. Orthodontics in Permanent Dentition. Part 1

 7. Syndromes and pathologies associated with malocclusions 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 2

ECTS : 8

Total hours : 200 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Etiology of orofacial malformations

2. Cleft palate

2.1. Anatomical alterations of cleft palate

2.2. Functional alterations of cleft palate

3. Down Syndrome

3.1. Dental anomalies in patients with Down Syndrome

3.2. Frequent occlusal alterations in patients with Down Syndrome

4. Pierre-Robin Syndrome

4.1. Etiology of Pierre-Robin Syndrome

4.2. Skeletal develoment in patients with Pierre-Robin Syndrome

4.3. Facial development in patients with Pierre-Robin Syndrome

5. Macroglossia

5.1. Types of malocclusions associated with macroglossia

6. Crouzon Syndrome

6.1. Characteristics of Crouzon Syndrome

6.2. Clinical manifestations of Crouzon Syndrome

7. Apert Syndrome

7.1. Characteristics of Apert Syndrome

7.2. Clinical manifestations of Apert Syndrome

8. Teacher-Collins Syndrome

8.1. Etiology of Teacher-Collins Syndrome

8.2. Malocclusions associated with the Teacher-Collins Syndrome

9. Sturge-Weber Syndrome

9.1. Etiology of Sturge-Weber Syndrome

9.2. Clinical manifestations of Sturge-Weber Syndrome

10. Multidisciplinary treatment in patients with pathologies and syndromes associated with malocclusions

7. Syndromes and pathologies associated with malocclusions

 8. Orthodontics in mixed and permanent dentition. Appliances. Part 2 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 2

ECTS : 6

Total hours : 150 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, lab practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Orthodontics in mixed dentition

1.1. Headgear

1.2. Functional appliances – Twin Block

1.2.1. Twin Block for deep bite

1.2.2. Twin Block for open bite

1.3. Special treatments in temporal dentition

1.4. Special treatments in mixed dentition

1.5. Treatment of different malocclusions with active plates

2. Orthodontics in permanent dentition

2.1. Class I treatment

2.2. Class II treatment

2.3. Class III treatment

2.4. Vertical problems treatment

    2.4.1 Open bite treatments

    2.4.2. Deep bite treatments

2.5. Posterior cross bite treatment

8. Orthodontics in mixed and permanent dentition. Appliances. Part 2

 9. Management and administration of a dental clinic 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 2

ECTS : 2

Total hours : 50 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Bases for private and public orthodontic clinical practice

1.1. State legislation

1.2. Regulation used in different EEC countries.

1.3. Material and instruments necessary to start up an orthodontic clinic: fixed Orthodontics, cements, pliers, other.

1.4. General Health Law applied in orthodontic treatments

2. Documentation and records necessary for private clinical practice in Orthodontics

2.1. Informed consent

2.2. Estimate elaboration

2.3. Storage and custody of records

2.3.1. Clinical history

2.3.2. Study models

2.3.3. X-rays

2.3.4. Photographs

3. Clinical organization

3.1. Administrative tasks

3.2. Clinical tasks

3.3. Cross infection control

3.4. Team work

3.5. Appointment organization

3.6. Patient call and recall system

3.7. Finantial management of an orthodontic clinic

4. Start-up of an orthodontic service

4.1. Implementation of a clinical practice limited to Orthodontics

4.2. Implementation of an orthodontic clinical practice within a prívate clinic.

4.3. Integration of an orthodontic service within an interdisciplinary team.

9. Management and administration of a dental clinic

 10. Skeletal anchorage 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 2

ECTS : 2

Total hours : 50 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Introduction of anchorage in orthodontics

1.1. Anchorage concept

1.2. Different types of anchorage used in orthodontics

2. Skeletal anchorage

2.1.. Evolution of microimplants

2.2. Anatomical considerations in microimplants insertion

2.3. Indications of a treatment with microimplants

2.4. Limitations of a treatment with microimplants

2.5. Counterindications of a treatment with microimplants

3. Clinical procedure of microimplant insertion

3.1. Necessary instruments

3.2. Selection of a microimplant

3.3. Surgical technique

4. Biomechanics of skeletal anchorage

4.1. Intrusion of extruded molars

4.2. Molar uprighting

4.3. Deep bite treatment

4.4. Open bite treatment

4.5. Prevention of complications and failures with microimplants

10. Skeletal anchorage

 11. Invisible plastic orthodontics 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 2

ECTS : 2

Total hours : 50 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Introduction to the Invisible Plastic Orthodontics

1.1. Definition of Invisible Plastic Orthodontics

1.2. Advantages of Invisible Plastic Orthodontics

1.3. Ways of action of Invisible Plastic Orthodontics

1.4. Indications and limitations of invisible plastic orthodontic treatment

2. Ejexution protocol

2.1. Records necessary to carry out the invisible plastic orthodontic treatment

2.2. How to take impressions

2.3. How to mold the models in plaster

2.4. Elaboration of treatment plan

2.5. Laboratory procedure

2.6. Digital systems

3. Treatment of different malocclusion with invisible plastic orthodontics

3.1. Space closure treatment

3.2. Crowding treatment

3.3. Rotations correction

3.4. Vertical movements of intrusion/extrusion

4. Types of invisible plastic orthodontics

4.1. Treatment time calculation

4.2. Special treatments

4.3. Clinical management of invisible plastic orthodontics systems

11. Invisible plastic orthodontics

 12. Interdisciplinary orthodontics 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 2

ECTS : 5

Total hours : 125 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Introduction to Interdisciplinary Orthodontics

1.1. Diagnostic bases of interdisciplinary treatments

1.2. Clinical bases of interdisciplinary treatments

2. Clinical protocol

2.1. Interdisiplicary clinical examination

2.2. Elaboration of interdisicpliary treatment plans

2.3. Interpretation and analysis of interdisciplinary supplementary tests

3. Types of interdisciplinary orthodontic treatments

3.1. Sequence of ideal treatment in interdisciplinary treatments

3.2. ENT alterations combined with orthodontic treatment

3.3. Speech therapy combined with Orthodontics

3.4. Pediatric treatments combined with Orhtodontics

3.5. Muscular and skeletal alterations with oral repercussion

3.6. Physiotherapy combined with Orthodontics

3.7. Prosthetic treatment combined with Orthodontics

12. Interdisciplinary orthodontics

 13. Orthodontics and Orthognatic Surgery 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 2

ECTS : 7

Total hours : 175 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Introduction

1.1. Diagnostic bases of combined treatments of Orthodontics and orthognatic surgery

1.2. Clinical bases of combined treatments of Orthodontics and orthognatic surgery

2. Organization of interdisciplinary team formed by orhtodontists and maxilofacial surgeons

2.1. Team work methodology among different specialists

2.2. Limitations of orthodontic tooth movements

2.3. Diagnosis of cases sensitive to orthodontic or orthognatic surgery treatments

3. Elaboration of treatment plan

3.1. Presurgical orthodontics

3.2. Surgical planning of cases by means of model surgery

3.3. Surgical planning of cases by means of digital systems

3.4. Case sensitive to treatments with monomaxillary surgery

3.5. Case sensitive to treatments with bimaxillary surgery

4. Clinical practice in Orthognatic Surgery

4.1. Orthognatic surgery within the National Health Care System

4.2. Orthognatic surgery in private practice

4.3. Surgical techniques

4.4. Combination of orthognatic and esthetic surgery

5. Postsurgical orthodontics

5.1. Biomechanical considerations

5.2. Finishing stage

5.3. Relapse control in cases treated with orthodontics and orthognatic surgery

13. Orthodontics and Orthognatic Surgery

 14. Roncopathy and OSAHS treatment 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 2

ECTS : 2

Total hours : 50 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Introduction

1.1. Definition of roncopathy

1.2. Definition of OSAHS

2. Types of obstructive airways pathologies

2.1. Etiopathogenetic factors of OSAHS

2.2. Diagnosis of roncopathy and OSAHS

2.3. Interrelation of roncopathy and OSAHS with systemic pathology

2.4. Interpretation and analysis of polysomnography

3. Roncopathy and OSAHS treatment

3.1. Treatment with CPAP

3.2. Treatment with intraoral devices

3.3. Organization of interdisciplinary team

14. Roncopathy and OSAHS treatment

 15. Lingual Orthodontics 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 2

ECTS : 4

Total hours : 100 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Introduction to lingual technique

1.1. Definition of Lingual Orthodontics

1.2. Indications of Lingual Orthodontics

1.3. Limitations and couterindications of Lingual Orthodontics

2. Clinical practice in Lingual Orthodontics

2.1. Diagnosis and selection of a patient

2.2. Types of lingual brackets

2.3. Biomechanical considerations in lingual technique

2.4. Necessary material and instruments

3. Direct bonding

3.1. Brackets positioning with set-up models

3.2. Brackets positioning without set-up models

3.3. Digital systems of brackets positioning

3.4. Preparation of enamel surface for indirect bonding

4. Treatment types in Lingual Orthodontics

4.1. Lingual treatments in the whole arch

4.2. Simplified lingual treatments in the anterior sector

4.3. Extraction cases: anchorage

4.4. Non-extraction cases: stripping, expansion, separation, distalization, protrusion

4.5. Case finishing and retention

15. Lingual Orthodontics

 16. Craniomandibular dysfunction 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 2

ECTS : 3

Total hours : 75 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Clinical history in patients with craniomandibular dysfunction

1.1. Anamnesis

1.2. Clinical examination

1.3. Supplementary tests

1.4. CT interpretation

1.5. MRI interpretation

1.6. Mandibular excursive movements records

2. Functional alterations of temporomandibular joint

2.1. Etiology of craniomandibular dysfunctions

2.2. Influence of occlusion to craniomandibular disorders

2.3. Occlusal study in the articulator

2.4. Parafunctions related to the craniomandibular dysfunction

2.5. Disc dislocation with reduction

2.6. Disc dislocation without reduction

2.7. Osteoarthrosis and osteoarthritis of TMJ

3. Treatment of craniomandibular dysfunction

3.1. Treatment with rigid splints

3.2. Treatment with soft splints

3.3. Surgical treatment of craniomandibular dysfunctions

3.4. Considerations of orthodontic treatment in patients with craniomandibular dysfunction

16. Craniomandibular dysfunction

 17. Retention and relapse prevention 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 2

ECTS : 3

Total hours : 75 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : On-line exercises

Subject contents :

1. Introduction

1.1. Definition of relapse

1.2. Relapse causes

1.3. Scientific bases of post-treatment stability

2. Factors related to relapse

2.1. Evaluation of wisdom teeth

2.2. Evaluation of the habits and dysfunctions presence

2.3. Evaluation of adverse post-treatment growth.

3. Orthodontic appliances used in retention

3.1. Hawley plates

3.2. Round Retainer

3.3. Optical-retainer

3.4. Fixed retention

3.5. Lingual porcelain or composite veneres

3.6. Retention by means of occlusal splints

3.7. Retention with invisible plastic orthodontics systems

3.8. Double retention

17. Retention and relapse prevention

 18. Master's Thesis 


Basic Data


Type : Compulsory

Year : 2

ECTS : 5

Total hours : 125 hours

In-class activities : Theory and interactive classes, laboratory practice, clinical practice

Independent work : Bibliographic research and execution of Master's Thesis

Subject contents :

1. Scientific method

1.1. Research in health sciencies

1.2. Types of scientific studies

1.3. A scientific study design

2. Bibliographic research

2.1. Field work

2.2. Interpretation and analysis of biomedical documents

3. Oral communication

4. Master's Thesis

4.1. Elaboration of a Master's Thesis investigation work

4.2. Presentation of a Master's Thesis investigation work

18. Master's Thesis

Application Fee 2,000 BAHT

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